Société Générale Capital Partenaires SGCP, Ouest Croissance, BPIFRANCE and Turenne Groupe renew their confidence in DEMGY GROUP
Société Générale Capital Partenaires (SGCP), Ouest Croissance, Bpifrance and Turenne Groupe's SLP Sélection & Opportunités are renewing their confidence in the management team as part of a fourth capital transaction to support DEMGY Group's development. At the same time, Bpifrance and Turenne Groupe are strengthening their capital positions.
Prior to this shareholding reorganisation, DEMGY acquired 100% of the shares in the German company E.I.S. Aircraft GmbH held by the Swiss company Etzelmin AG. This makes the DEMGY Group one of Europe's leading players in high added-value plastics processing for the aeronautics sector.
DEMGY, in tune with major industrial challenges, pools the know-how of its subsidiaries to offer its customers sustainable and intelligent solutions, in order to create circular value around plastic and composite materials. Its expertise is based on its recognised knowledge of materials and its mastery of the various technologies used to produce parts and sub-assemblies.