Our QSE commitment - Quality, safety, environment
Management statement
Unique expertise and multiple skills
It's been almost 75 years since our Group was born from the creativity and knowledge of one man, Mr Roland DEDIENNE. The Group has developed and passed on to subsequent generations its entrepreneurial spirit, innovation, technical expertise and corporate culture. This is founded on the quality of our craftsmen and our services. It makes us a unique and credible technology group in the plastics industry.
For our customers, Quality, Safety and Environmental Protection are the guarantee that their requirements will be met, and for each of the Group's units, the guarantee of its long-term future. The loyalty of our customers, a reflection of our ability to satisfy them over the long term, is the first guarantee of our Group's performance.
Together with the management teams, I am committed to putting in place the resources and internal communications that will enable everyone to better understand the company's environment and challenges, as well as the importance of their own role and involvement.
I hereby make a personal commitment to the Group's improvement and progress process, and give full authority to the Group Quality Manager, reporting to the Group Operations Department, to implement and maintain Good Practices.
Declaration by Pierre-Jean LEDUC, President of DEMGY
Our quality policy: Being the most reliable and innovative partner
In 2008, we decided to make our quality systems more explicit by organising our approach to progress and continuous improvement, within the framework of a real group project, called "ISO corporate".
In 2010, we made it progress into an integrated management system (SMI) by formally integrating security and environment into our Organization.
Our quality policy is a search for excellence, safety and accountability for both our clients and collaborators of our company, external service providers and civil society.
The management based on the Group’s strategy, customer requirements, applicable regulations and reference standards establishes this policy. All employees of the group must observe it.
Thus, by giving a high level of responsibility to every single person, it aims to ensure that the guarantor of the QSE approach and performance of our factories must be our corporate culture rather than its structures.
Our SMI is based on 3 pillars:
- A set of processes defined by process mapping that reflects the practice at the "T" moment,
- Progress plans to allow the different components of the group to converge towards coherence in the QSE approach,
- Objectives and indicators to periodically measure our compliance, efficacy and efficiency.
This quality approach is not a goal but a step to a common, constructive, simple and positive dynamic of progress. In the extremely competitive world in which we are evolving, the issue at stake is our Company credibility and survival.
Our environment policy: reducing our impact
Our group, conscious of its responsibility towards society and future generations, is committed to its highest level in an active environmental protection policy guiding all entities activities.
As such, we are committed to:
- Ensure compliance with applicable regulations,
- Implement and promote a process of continuous improvement and prevention of the risks of pollution,
- Communicate to all our employees the performance achieved.
We are therefore committed to implementing the human, organisational and technical means in order to:
- Control our atmospheric emissions and liquid discharges,
- Control our energy consumption,
- Limiting waste production and optimizing its management to minimize its environmental impact,
- Limiting the use of natural resources, including water,
- Prevent the risk of fire and pollution associated with our activities.
Periodically, our objectives and environmental targets are reviewed through our SMI-QSE, which is part of our continuous improvement process. Our goals will be achieved by increasing everyone’s awareness on the consequences of our actions and by everybody’s personal commitment, within the framework of our policy.
In 2021, our company was awarded the first European label which promotes the action of plastics processors for the circular economy and the integration of recycled plastic materials in production.
The MORE label (MObilized to REcycle) provides real recognition of our commitment as an industrial company and demonstrates our progress in promoting more sustainable consumption, with products that include more and more recycled plastics.
Our Health & Safety Policy: Preventing and Safeguarding Employee Health
Our commitment to the health and safety of our employees is one of our priorities. Thus, in the face of the risks related to our activities, our group is committed to putting in place action plans to prevent work-related accidents.
Our policy is to provide a safe and healthy environment to our employees and partners. We therefore commit to:
- Respect applicable regulations,
- Improve work conditions, well-being, and prevent occupational diseases and work accidents at work,
- Develop measures to eliminate, preferably at source, the risks and dangers present in the work environment, and communicate this Health / Safety policy,
- Set up training for the management of occupational risks.
- Implement a sustainable approach to reduce hardship at work.
- Our companions, on the other hand, actively participate in the achievement of health and safety objectives by:
- Cooperating with management and all their co-workers to maintain a healthy and safe work environment,
- Complying with procedures and safety instructions issued by the entities,
- Reporting all risks and dangers identified in the workplace.
We believe that everyone’s cooperation and collaboration of all are essential values to make our entities a workplace where each person can evolve and work safely.
Our commitment to ethics
Anti-corruption policy
Our group undertakes to refuse that its collaborators, customers and suppliers try to obtain favours or special treatment in exchange of advantages, and to refuse that its collaborators accept nor request any gift, nor any other advantage likely to influence their objectivity in the performance of their duties.
Code of conduct
All employees of the group must accept responsibility to their obligation to incumbent on them to respect the ethical charter code, especially they must:
- Carry out their tasks with, professionalism, honesty, enthusiasm,
- Treat their colleagues with courtesy,
- Avoid any waste or misuse of resources; report to management any waste, fraud, abuse to leaders,
- Have a behaviour that gives a positive image of the group and its staff ,
- Protect the group from any threat to information security (equipment, data and computer software),
- Do not make commitments or make promises that are contrary to the rules of operation,
- Do not disclose or use any confidential information they are aware of in order to benefit themselves or others,
- Respect all legal texts, laws, regulations, decisions and directives related to the performance of their tasks, and avoid any contrary action towards them.
Alert launch policy
When employees of the group believe that they are asked by a superior or a colleague to act illegally, abusively, unethically or in violation of the ethical code, it is their responsibility to report directly to the direction. Employees will benefit from the necessary discretion and management will take the necessary measures to investigate thoroughly, especially when executives are involved. Any attitude incompatible with this code will be unacceptable and treated, as it should be.
It may eventually result in disciplinary action in accordance with the rules of procedure. Because ethics is everyone's business, I am personally committed to implement this code on behalf of all employees of the group.
Quality policy for medical devices : To be ever more reliable and innovative partners
Our Quality policy demonstrates our commitment to serving our customers in the medical sector by meeting their expectations through :
- Developing, with and for them, products that meet their needs, in line with medical, scientific and technological state-of-the-art, as well as legal and regulatory requirements,
- Controlling and optimizing all design, development, manufacturing and distribution processes and procedures, in compliance with regulatory, legal and standards requirements, to guarantee the quality and conformity of our products, with the aim of ensuring the safety of patients and users,
- Involving all staff and stakeholders.
The implementation of this policy is based on our integrated management system and its 3 pillars:
- A set of processes defined by process mapping, which reflects our practices.
- Progress plans to enable the various components of the Group to converge towards consistency in the QSE approach.
- Objectives and indicators established and periodically reviewed to measure our compliance, effectiveness and efficiency.
This approach represents a dynamic, shared, constructive, simple and positive step towards progress. In this extremely competitive world in which we operate, our credibility and survival depend on it.
DEMGY Normandy
DEMGY Atlantique
DEMGY Făgăraș
DEMGY Frasne
DEMGY Chicago
DEMGY EIS Euskirchen