DEMGY is recruiting talent from Normandy!
DEMGY is always looking for new talents to complete its teams. In order to get closer to you, DEMGY participated on March 9th and 10th in the "Emplois en Seine" fair, which took place in Rouen.
Read the article from Boursier.com
DEMGY & l'Aéro are recruiting in Normandy
This participation is part of the recruitment process of GIFAS, the French aeronautical and space industries group. In total, this sector plans to hire more than 15,000 people this year. NAE, the network of aeronautics, space, defense and security players in Normandy, is looking to fill more than a hundred positions, more than 75% of which are open-ended. DEMGY is one of them!
Woman or man, young or experienced, executive or not, in professional reconversion... DEMGY recruits all kinds of profiles for different positions within our sites: sales representatives, technicians, engineers, data analysts, turners, fitters, machining operators... If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact us!
Our recruitment offers Read the NAE article
Looking for an apprenticeship position?
DEMGY recognizes the value of young people. They offer a new vision on the problems we face and open the door to a new world of work. They also show a more "pragmatic" approach to work, less academic. Our goal? To recruit one apprentice out of two in training in the company.
Do not hesitate to apply to DEMGY if you are looking for an apprenticeship experience. We will be delighted to welcome you and we are recruiting in all our trades!