NAE and DEMGY celebrate women
On the occasion of International Women's Rights Day, NAE reminds us that the aeronautics, space and defense professions have become increasingly feminized in recent years.
NAE and DEMGY honor women
The NAE network has chosen to showcase this feminization in images at an exhibition to be held this fall at the Atrium in Rouen, in partnership with the Normandy Region's guidance and careers agency. For this event, NAE has collected many portraits of women working in the field from its members. Let's focus on some of them who are working in high-voltage jobs.
Magali Brode, Mold Maintenance Toolmaker at DEMGY for 23 years
Originally she was not destined for this job: trained as a carpenter, Magali was refused to recruit a woman. She has been working for DEMGY for 23 years and first entered the company through the back door as a temporary worker on the press.
Her thirst for learning led her to demonstrate her abilities by taking a position in Control and then to train in injection press adjustment, a position she held for six years, before asking to move to mechanics, where she is currently.
Magali had no difficulty integrating, and as she explains, the equipment environment has evolved considerably and is easier for a woman to handle.