In partnership with our R&D teams and our DEMGY Atlantique site, Decathlon with its Kipsta brand is launching a revolutionary soccer shoe!
This Friday, January 13, 2023, the Traxium Compressor sports shoe will be released!
So how is this shoe an innovation?
The latest innovation in the leisure industry: the Traxium Compressor. This is a fully molded cleat shoe with only one manufacturing step, produced on our DEMGY Atlantique site in partnership with our client Decathlon and its soccer brand Kipsta. And much more than that, it is recyclable and produces no waste during its manufacture.
It is now possible to wear a shoe without sewing, without glue, and even without laces with a duration of use much higher than a classic pair.
With a price of less than 100€, it will be put on the market this Friday, January 13th.
It will be available in 21 Decathlon stores : Berlin, Herne, Plochingen, Koln Marsdorf, Weiterstadt, Bufalotta, Corsico, Casoria, Pescara, Los Reyes, Kerkade, Anvers, Evere, Alleur, Nantes Atlantis, Lyon Bron, Paris Montreuil, Campus, Nancy, Paris Domus, Odysseum. You can also find it on the websites Decathlon France, Belgique, Allemagne, Italie, Royaume-Uni et Pays-Bas.