NAE and FACE Normandie join forces
Objective: to promote the inclusion and feminization of professions in Normandy... The signing of a partnership agreement between NAE, represented by its President Philippe Eudeline , and FACE Normandie, represented by its Director David Bloin , took place during the Journée Normande des Entreprises Engagées organized by FACE Normandie at EM Normandie (Business School) in collaboration with NEOOD and AQM Conseil.
As part of the agreement signed on November 30, 2023, FACE Normandie and NAE are committed to working together to implement concrete actions in the 5 departments of Normandy:
Discovering companies in the sector:
NAE will inform its members about FACE Normandie's programs, and help them organize company discovery days. FACE Normandie members are regularly mobilized to promote knowledge of their professions. For example, since November 23 and during Industry Week, which runs until December 3, 8 companies in the sector (Ateliers Maugars, CPM Industries, Demgy, Factem, Selha Group, Seprolec, Serbe, Visionic) have organized one or more open days in partnership with schools. FACE Normandie will also be able to support companies in the sector in proposing initiatives and job discovery programs for local residents.